Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church

Online Worship

View the Service on our Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/wesleyumcoshkosh/

Adult Studies


There will be three different adult studies available each week for you to attend.

  1. Sunday morning adult bible study class meets after church each week studying “Walking in Grace” discussion.
  2. Thursday morning class meets each Thursday at 10:30 a.m. They are discussing lectionary each week, but are looking into a possible book study. Stay tuned for more information.
  3. A new class will be starting on Thursday, September 12 from 2:30 p.m.—4:00 p.m. each week. This class will be a Bible study on the book of John. This study will offer more details than just causal reading.


Mission of the Month

The Mission of the Month for September is Red Bird Mission. Red Bird Mission was founded in 1921 in the southeastern corner of Kentucky to provide education and Christian Evangelism ministries to residents of the area. The Mission was started by the Evangelical Church on a small piece of property at the confluence of Cow Fork and the Red Bird River. The story of Red Bird is one of deep faith in God. Red Bird Mission was born in answer to prayer. It is a story of gracious outpouring of prayer and means by the Church. As early as 1913 the women of the Evangelical Church became aware of the needs of the the people of the Southern Highlands. 

Rally Day Sunday September 8

Our kickoff for the Sunday School year is Sunday, September 8, 2024!!!! Registration forms have been sent out to our Sunday School families. If you have not received one, a form can be filled out on your first day of Sunday School. We will have storytime and crafts during Sunday School. A potluck is planned to be served in Koeller Hall following the church service and there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Everyone is invited to the potluck. 



Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church

Wesley United Methodist Church is located in the southwest side of Oshkosh and has been serving our area for over 100 years. We believe in connecting with people through our Lord Jesus Christ, in our congregation, community, and world; spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through spirituality, discipleship, stewardship, and worship.

Sunday Worship

Please join us for Sunday services

Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. 

In person with virtual available.

Coffee and fellowship following the service.

Sunday School starting after Children's Time in Worship

Sundays from 10-10:30 a.m.

Discussion of "Suggested Scripture Readings" found in the bulletin each week.

No Sunday School during summer session.


Take Ninth Avenue east from Highway 41

Turn right on Knapp Street

Turn left on W. South Park Avenue

Turn right on Georgia

You will see the church on the corner of Georgia and Florida 

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