Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church

Online Worship

View the Service on our Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/wesleyumcoshkosh/

Church Visioning 


Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations

During the church visioning event on January 11, we decided to do a study on the book called “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations”. This book deals with good ministry and faith walk. This book is also loaded with good ideas for outreach and internal church programs. There will be a study on Wednesday or Thursday.  There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for which day you would prefer.


When you sign-up, please indicate if you would like a book ordered for you by the church office. The cost of the book will be $20.00. Orders will be placed on January 27th, so please make sure to sign-up by then. We will be starting the study the first week of February. Please contact the church office with any questions.

Mission of the Month

Day by Day Warming Shelter

Day by Day Shelter collaboratively provides temporary shelter, individualized services, and opportunities for self-sufficiency to empower the most vulnerable adults in our community.
Day By Day Shelter, Inc. was founded by a coalition of community members concerned about the lack of safe, temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness in the Oshkosh area. With broad community support from local government, police, fire, faith communities and foundations, Day By Day Shelter, Inc. first opened its doors on October 15, 2011.
As of May 2023, Day by Day has more than quadrupled our operations from 25 beds, open 6 months of the year to 50 beds, open 365 days a year. With a new purpose-built shelter, we have also expanded our services and capabilities to meet the growing needs of our organization and our community.

More Information

Sunday School

Helping Missions


In February, the Sunday School will be joining the Mission Team in promoting the Day-by-Day Warming Shelter. They will be collecting hand warmers, toe warmers, and adult mittens throughout the month. Please join them in this wonderful mission project!


Happy Elders Outing


Please plan on joining us for a happy elders outing on February 19th. We will be having breakfast at Evergreen at 11:00 a.m. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for those planning on attending. We look forward to seeing everyone

Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church

Wesley United Methodist Church is located in the southwest side of Oshkosh and has been serving our area for over 100 years. We believe in connecting with people through our Lord Jesus Christ, in our congregation, community, and world; spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through spirituality, discipleship, stewardship, and worship.

Sunday Worship

Please join us for Sunday services

Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. 

In person with virtual available.

Coffee and fellowship following the service.

Sunday School starting after Children's Time in Worship

Sundays from 10-10:30 a.m.

Discussion of "Suggested Scripture Readings" found in the bulletin each week.

No Sunday School during summer session.


Take Ninth Avenue east from Highway 41

Turn right on Knapp Street

Turn left on W. South Park Avenue

Turn right on Georgia

You will see the church on the corner of Georgia and Florida 

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© Wesley United Methodist Church