Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church


MASA stands for Mission Aviation Support Association. 

Our church has been involved for the last eight years offering a meal for the missionary pilots who attend the EAA Air Venture each summer.

Many of these pilots have been attending EAA Fly In (now called EAA Air Venture) for more than 30 years to make connections with the aviation community. They were fixing their own food and camping on the EAA grounds.  A local citizen, also interested in mission aviation, learned of their need for hospitality in the Oshkosh area. A contact was made with local church leaders about the need and the hospitality ministry began.

The ministry continued to grow as the Missionary Aviation agencies and training schools learned of the opportunities at EAA Air Venture.   Aviation Missionaries were featured in 2009 at the EAA Air Venture.  That year hospitality was provided for approximately 400 missionaries including their family members.  The current annual number of guests averages around 200.

God has assembled an incredible team of volunteers and local congregations cooperating as Christ’s Church to provide finances, transportation, housing, food and public speaking opportunities.  The aviation missionaries could not afford to attend EAA Air Venture without the help.

Our church will again be providing an evening meal during the EAA Air Venture.  We will collect donations during the month of July so that we are able to purchase the items needed for the EAA Air Venture meal in July.

On Thursday July 25, our congregation will be serving a dinner meal. We will be in need of volunteers to make salads and /or serve people on the EAA grounds. 



Sunday Worship Services at
9:30 a.m.

We're here to welcome you. Please stop by during these hours:


Monday - Thursday 
10 a.m. - 
2 p.m.

No office hours on Fridays


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© Wesley United Methodist Church