Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church

VIM Trips

Were you aware that United Methodist Volunteers in Mission has been engaged in God’s mission serving in short-term missions since 1976, with projects in more than 90 countries around the world?  United Methodist Volunteers in Mission seeks to equip volunteers with experiences that allow them to put Christian love into action.  Did you know that United Methodist Volunteers in Mission serves in the United States as well as internationally?


UMVIM works with people in need in more than 30 states.  Some of the places are right here in Wisconsin.  In fact, some are right here, less than an hour away.


The project's volunteers can serve with are as diverse as the number of places there are to serve. Some of the work involves assisting communities with maintaining clean water sources. According to the World Health Organization, 1.8 million people use water from contaminated sources every day.

Other work involves the building of churches in impoverished areas and assisting people who are in desperate need of not only food and clean water but also the hope of Jesus.  Additional projects include working at medical clinics, teaching English, and improving substandard housing, assisting at church camps, and mission projects at home and elsewhere.


Were you aware that no matter your gifts, there is a place for you to put Christian love into action? Perhaps, you can find a place where you might enjoy serving.  Mike and Gloria Smith have been on several VIM trips. The following list shows the programs that are offered out of Wisconsin Conference in 2017-2018.


  1. October 29-November 4, 2017:  Poverty/Homeless Assistance, Detroit, MI
  2. January 20-28, 2018:  Disaster relief, Hurricane recovery relief, Tampa, FL area
  3. February 24-March 4, 2018:  Self Help Housing Program, Marion, Alabama
  4. March 17-25, 2-18:  Low-income housing relief, Hinton Center, Hayesville, NC
  5. April 14-22, 2018:  Disaster relief, SE Wisconsin
  6. May 13-18, 2018:  Pine Lake UMC Camp, Westfield, Wi
  7. June 17-23, 2018:  Red Cliff Reservation, Bayfield, WI
  8. July 30-August 3, 2018:  United Methodist Children’s Services, Milwaukee, WI

Wouldn’t you like to be a part of something bigger than yourself?  Try VIM Camp.  You will like it.  The people are joyful, down to earth, skilled and unskilled in the trades who enjoy giving, working, worshiping, sharing and playing.  And at work camp, there is time for it all. 




Sunday Worship Services at
9:30 a.m.

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Monday - Thursday 
10 a.m. - 
2 p.m.

No office hours on Fridays


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